* * Anonymous Doc

Friday, April 23, 2010

I dread July. I dread having to be the overnight resident. To have to stay overnight 13 times in a month. To have like 3 days off in that span, to work who knows how many hours a week. I dread it. At least when you're the intern, you're not the one anyone's going to blame for anything. When you're the resident, you are. And overnight especially. No one wants to call the attending unless they have to.

I need a job where I can sleep normal hours.

Don't really want to be a doctor anymore, at least not after 5 broken hours of sleep in the middle of the day after 27 hours awake.

1 comment:

  1. Don't really want to be a doctor anymore, at least not after 5 broken hours of sleep in the middle of the day after 27 hours awake.

    I suppose you won't be blogging or I won't be reading you in 20 years, but it would be interesting to skip forward and time and see whether you end up wanting to be a doctor and whether you do it anyway.
