"Oh, I think that may be a little too ambitious for right now, given the amputation. You'll get fitted for a prosthesis, but it'll be a lot of therapy, you have to build your strength back up, it may be quite a while."
"The reason I ask is because my siblings are waiting for us to all be together so e can finish burying our parents."
"They've been stored for a while awaiting internment--"
"Right, what I said. And so I need to be able to go."
"You could go in a wheelchair..."
"No, there are stairs."
"At the cemetery??"
"No, in my brother's house, where I'd stay."
"Maybe you could stay in a hotel?"
"No, I could never do that. But you think I could tell them I can come out there next summer?"
"I don't know. It's too soon to know the extent of your recovery."
"I think they're charging a monthly fee."
"For the storage."
"I don't know. I don't know that I have an answer for you."
"Maybe my brother can move."
"I don't know how to help you here. I'm sorry, I really am."
That is actually quite as sad as it is ridiculous.